• Start with coach/assistant coach registration: All coaches and assistant coaches will need to create an account on TeamSideline and register for the upcoming season. We will send you a private registration link for this step. After you have registered, you will be sent links to complete the steps that follow.
• Babe Ruth Background Check, Coaching Education and Abuse-Prevention Training: Babe Ruth organises its volunteer requirements under the concept of Memberships. Memberships must be renewed each year. You will relieve information from the league on how to open a membership and complete the three requirements. The background check provides an opportunity to check and confirm the validity of someone's criminal record, education, employment history, and other activities from their past. Results can take two to four weeks to receive, which makes it critically important for CRRA to have coaches registered and approved as soon as possible. Coaches must renew their Babe Ruth background check, coaching education and abuse-prevention certification using SportsEngine sports management platform every two years.
• Livescan: We will send each potential coach information on how to get this step done. Because it may take a few weeks for the results to be confirmed, we encourage you to complete this step as soon as possible. This requirement needs to be done only once for CRRA - we will not be able to use livescans completed for other programs. CRRA contracts with Capital Live Scan through Scrapper’s Edge, 728 4th St., Eureka, to have the Livescan completed at no cost to you. We are also looking into contracting with a mobile service to be at our coach’s meeting, and do everyone's fingerprints at once.